Microsimulation modelling is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the planning and execution of temporary traffic management during roadworks and construction phasing. It allows for the detailed analysis of traffic flow, taking into account individual vehicle movements and interactions. This level of detail can provide invaluable insights into potential bottlenecks and areas of congestion, enabling more effective planning and management of traffic during construction works.

Modelling Group has an expansive knowledge of carrying out such modelling projects. With a deep understanding of traffic patterns and behaviours, we can create accurate models that predict the impact of roadworks on traffic flow. This allows for the development of strategies that minimise disruption and ensure that all road users experience minimal delay during any planned essential maintenance or construction works.

By using microsimulation modelling, Modelling Group can help to maintain smooth traffic flow, reduce the risk of accidents, and improve overall road safety during construction periods. This not only benefits road users but also contributes to the efficiency and success of the construction project itself.